• Re: syncterm bbs port discovery

    From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat Jul 16 13:42:57 2022
    On 7/9/22 09:02, poindexter FORTRAN wrote:
    Keep in mind an SRV record hostname must point to a servers A or
    AAAA address and not a CNAME. Otherwise, seems reasonable.

    My experience setting up DNS is long in the past, Bind 4.9 in 1993?

    I don't recall if there was any downside to setting multiple A records pointing to one IP, versus one A record with multiple CNAME records
    pointing to it?

    No downside, aside from having to change multiple DNS entries when the originating IP changes?

    You can pretty safely have longer lifetimes for CNAME than you'd want to
    use for A records. I generally set CNAME for at least a week, and A
    records for 15m to a day.

    Depending on the DNS server, the round-trip for two requests could
    impact things. If you care about the time to render a website, it can
    matter a lot. Don't know if it's changed, but GoDaddy's DNS servers had particularly bad latency for most people, and handled a high portion of
    the internet. Which is a large part of why google created their
    distributed DNS that sometimes exceeds the specified timing in favor of
    cached results. Going under 15m for A record likely will be ignored by Google's DNS cache.

    It's not too hard to do your own caching DNS lookups. I use pihole
    locally and fall back to the Cloudflare DNS servers, I have less trust
    of Google over time even though a lot of my domains have DNS at Google,
    I like their registrar interface, but considering moving them all.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    ■ Synchronet ■ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com