• What net exiting in German Langueg

    From Visitor-0@VERT/AMSTRAD to All on Fri Nov 4 08:27:08 2022
    Hello,ããmy English is very bad.ããWhat Net is in German Lang writing only??? I can no found. I be in BBSNet, because it is veryãvery smal. and i find no another German net. I can no good asking in Mail in English. Is ZNetãin German Lang?ããI have very more Question, because very more Software are not doing call oder poll to my Boss.ãMy Boss is 75:49/0 (75:49/0).ããOpenXP have only DFue Network, i can not my aktiv my Master line. i can no conectet.ããI have very more Problems. And many Mailboyes at github is no compiling, the User mast selfãwith Compiler or Make.exe. the File-Name is oft Mailbox.Master. In there archicv isãMakefile.txt or Makefile.BSd oder Makefile.Linux. When i compile, it is no working. I makeãwrong and i not understand waht i make wrong for that.ããgoodbyãã---ã þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!ã
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Visitor-0 on Fri Nov 4 09:55:27 2022
    Re: What net exiting in German Languegã By: Visitor-0 to All on Fri Nov 04 2022 08:27 amãã Vi> What Net is in German Lang writing only??? I can no found. I be in BBSNet,ããHerzlich Willkomen!ããThere's a BBS in Germany you might want to connect with, as the sysop might have some more information for you.ããEs gibt ein BBS in Deutschland, dass Sie vielleicht benutzen mochten.ããBBS name: WintermuteãAddress: wintermutebbs.ddns.netããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã