• Put Home In FTP Webpage

    From Coolmax@VERT/THEDARKD to All on Thu Sep 8 10:49:00 2005
    Here Is A Quick And Easy Way To Add A Home Link To Your FTP Web Site.γγ1.. Open with an editor sbbs/exec/ftp-web.htmlγ2.. Locate the followingγγ/* Virtual Path */γγwriteln('<table align="center" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" γcellpadding="0">');γ writeln('<tr>');γ writeln('<td style="background-image: url(http://' + format("%s:%γs",system.host_name, http_port) + '/graphics/tnav_bg.gif); background-repeat: γrepeat-x; text-align: left;" width="1%"><img src="http://' + format("%s:%s"γ ,system.host_nameγ ,http_port) γ + '/graphics/tnav_left.gif" width="5" height="32" alt="" /></td>');γ writeln('<td style="background-image: url(http://'γ + format("%s:%s",system.host_name, http_port) γ + '/graphics/tnav_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x;">');γγ--γ3.. Now right underneath that line write the following..γwriteln(' <a class="tlink" href="http://tdd.savedme.com">Home</a>'); γγ4.. Just replace your web address with mine..γThats It..!γγThere is probably an easier way.. but it's cheap and nasty :)γγCoolmaxγγγγγγγΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝγThe Dark Domain BBS - 10 Nodes / 24 Hours - 7 Daysγtelnet://tdd.savedme.com http://tdd.savedme.comγΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ SynchroNet V3.12a (Modded) ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝγγγ---γ ώ Synchronet ώ The Dark Domain BBS - telnet://tdd.savedme.comγ