smoke@VERT to
All on Thu Jun 10 13:10:19 2004
i'm trying to set the user's current message group, but for some reason when iãset the bbs.curgrp value to whatever group i want it to be it doesn'ts ave..ãany ideas?ããi might be calling the wrong var, i tried user.curgrp also, so i don't knowãexactly what to do now, soemone please help :).ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man@VERT to
smoke on Thu Jun 10 18:57:51 2004
Re: bbs.curgrpã By: smoke to All on Thu Jun 10 2004 01:10 pmãã > i'm trying to set the user's current message group, but for some reason whenã > set the bbs.curgrp value to whatever group i want it to be it doesn'ts ave..ã > any ideas?ã > ã > i might be calling the wrong var, i tried user.curgrp also, so i don't knowã > exactly what to do now, soemone please help :).ããTracker1 and I recently went over this. The bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursubãproperties are 0-based, and are relative to the groups/subs the current userãhas access to.ããI'm not sure what you mean by "it doesn't save". If you set the variable to aãvalue, and then read it back, you don't get the value you wrote?ãã digital manããSnapple "Real Fact" #77:ãNo piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Tracker1@VERT/TRN to
Digital Man on Mon Jul 5 00:53:00 2004
Digital Man wrote:ã> Tracker1 and I recently went over this. The bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursubã> properties are 0-based, and are relative to the groups/subs the current ã> user has access to.ã> ã> I'm not sure what you mean by "it doesn't save". If you set the variable ã> to a value, and then read it back, you don't get the value you wrote?ããI think that it doesn't restrict the groups/subs appropriate to the user'sãsecurity.. it seems to show them all when you enumerate the arrays.ããmaybe if there was a setSub(SUB_CODE) command that set to the first group/ãsub that matched (presuming no dupe sub_code's) .. and returned true onãsuccess, false on fail ... or setSub(grp_number,sub_code) ...ãã-- ãMichael J. Ryan - tracker1(at)theroughnecks(dot)net - www.theroughnecks.netãicq: 4935386 - AIM/AOL: azTracker1 - Y!: azTracker1 - MSN/Win: (email)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ theroughnecks.net - you know you want itã
Digital Man@VERT to
Tracker1 on Tue Jul 6 20:28:58 2004
Re: Re: bbs.curgrpã By: Tracker1 to Digital Man on Mon Jul 05 2004 12:53 amãã > > Tracker1 and I recently went over this. The bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursubã > > properties are 0-based, and are relative to the groups/subs the currentã > > user has access to.ã > >ã > > I'm not sure what you mean by "it doesn't save". If you set the variableã > > to a value, and then read it back, you don't get the value you wrote?ã > ã > I think that it doesn't restrict the groups/subs appropriate to the user'sã > security.. it seems to show them all when you enumerate the arrays.ããPlease post example code that proves this. I've tested it myself and it worksãcorrectly.ãã > maybe if there was a setSub(SUB_CODE) command that set to the first group/ã > sub that matched (presuming no dupe sub_code's) .. and returned true onã > success, false on fail ... or setSub(grp_number,sub_code) ...ããThere was a bug in one of your JS modules (I forget which) where it was tryingãto set the cursub/curgrp property as a string (instead of a Number). This isãprobably the root cause of whatever problem you're having.ãã digital manããSnapple "Real Fact" #52:ã11% of people in the world are lefthanded.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã