Re: 2 questionsã By: echicken to DesotoFireflite on Sat Apr 09 2022 03:56 amãã ec> Re: 2 questionsã ec> By: DesotoFireflite to All on Fri Apr 08 2022 17:45:57ãã De>> 1. - When I use console.gotoxy(0,24); it takes me to line 22, notã De>> 24. Is this a normal thing +/- a few lines, or is it supposed to beã De>> dead accurate. ãã ec> I believe these coordinates are 1-based, so the top left cell is 1,1. Evenã ec> so I would only expect you to end up one row above where you intended. Notã ec> sure what's up with that.ããI was going to work on it some today. Nightfox reminded me about the "1 Bassed" reference yesterday, and I had not taken that into my thoughts.ãã ec> FYI if your intention is to move to the first column of the last line inã ec> the terminal, I would recommend:ãã ec> console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);ããWow, I didn't even see that in the Sync JS Object Model Reference, Thanks, I am going to try this, as it sounds to be just what I'm looking for. ãã ec> This will get you there no matter what the dimensions of the terminal are.ã ec> (There is also a 'screen_columns' property.)ããã De>> 2. - what are the { and } used for. As far as I can tell be readingã De>> up, they are only deed for condition statements. Just trying toã De>> understand. ãã ec> Curly braces do a few different things in JS, but mostly they're creatingã ec> a 'block' to group several statements together. If your 'if' statementã ec> only needs to do one thing, then you don't need them:ããOK, I am onboard with this now, I'm just going to have to practice it abit to get familiar with it. I'm going to work on converting one of my baja mods into js. This should be quite a learning experience. As alway, thanks.ããSysOp: C.G. Learn, AKA: DesotoFirefliteãValhalla Home Services! - (Synchronet) -ãA Gamers Paradise - Over 250 Registered Online Game Doors!ãã--- Don't eat the yellow snow!ã þ Synchronet þ Valhalla Home Services þ USA þ