Hi peopleãi try to add a database support the the js script in syncrhonetãi use (at moment) sqlite as backend.ããi thinking in an object that may be used to easy storage data for door orãmodules and easy access via sql standard commands.ãan simple example of script code :ããdb = new Sqlite("/tmp/tu_base.db");ãdb.open();ãdb.stmt = "CREATE TABLE prueba (field1 int , field2 varchar(100))";ãdb.exec();ãdb.stmt = "INSERT INTO prueba (field1,field2) VALUES (10,'hola')";ãdb.exec();ãdb.stmt = "SELECT * FROM prueba";ãdb.exec();ãfor(i=; i< db.numRows; i++) {ã writeln (db.result[i]['field1'] + '-' + db.result[i]['field2']);ã}ãdb.close();ããim still working and not yet complete, also i dont know if will add to theãfutures sync versions.ããyou can see source code and example here:ã
http://bbs.docksud.com.ar/~ragnarok/sync/js_sqlite/ããi wait for comments, suggest or wahtever for people that make js scripts.ããSaludos!ããã-- ãDock Sud BBSã
http://bbs.docksud.com.arãtelnet://bbs.docksud.com.arãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - www.docksud.com.arã