poindexter wrote:ãp> I'm thinking about moving my Windows Synchronet install to a Linux VPS; I'mãp> assuming some people are running Synchronet on a VPS, and I was wondering whatãp> you do for backup?ãp> ãp> I'd like to back up to my Windows desktop at home; my /sbbs/ folder with filesãp> and messages is about 7 gigs.ãp> ãp> The last time I did this, the only game in town was rsync under cygwin on aãp> Windows host and rsync running natively on the Linux VPS.ãp> ãp> Is there any better solution out there people know of?ãp> ããLook at burp backup, what it is based on rsync, it's a full backup solution.ãThe client runs on Windows and Linnux and the server runs on Linux only.ãIt's fast, includes deduplication so those big files that are the sameãaren't backed up multiple times. You can configure how many backups you wantãto keep (like 12 monthly, 4 weeks, 7 daily). It can even backup to itself soãyou can have local copies of files in case you screw up editing one orãdelete one accidentally, you can quickly get it back without remembering youãneed to make a copy first. It's open source and free but donations areãaccepted by the author. I usually donate when I screw up back and it savesãmy ass...which has been a couple of times.ãã
https://burp.grke.org/ããI use it for a nightly sbbs backup.ãã[root@brandy bbs.endofthelinebbs.com]# du -sh *ã6.6G 0000099 2019-01-16 22:43:06 +0100ã349M 0000113 2019-01-31 11:43:04 +0100ã275M 0000120 2019-02-07 17:43:03 +0100ã9.4M 0000125 2019-02-13 07:43:03 +0100ã8.8M 0000126 2019-02-14 08:43:03 +0100ã208M 0000127 2019-02-15 09:43:03 +0100ã9.9M 0000128 2019-02-16 10:43:03 +0100ã58M 0000129 2019-02-17 11:43:06 +0100ã9.9M 0000130 2019-02-18 12:43:05 +0100ã290M 0000131 2019-02-19 13:43:04 +0100ããAs you can see my original backup is big, but very little changes so theãdeltas are small in comparison.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.comã