
Usuario en CANADA!

2000-02-10 18:39:44
Hola, mundo!

Mirad qué mensaje he pillado en la mailing-list inglesa:


Hello, I'm a MSX Emulator user (please forgive me, I live in Canada!) and
use BrMSX and fMSX-DOS. Here is my problem: 

I am playing Snatcher (in Japanese of course) and have gotten stuck. I need
to be able to type the Katakana character "BE" using a PC keyboard, but I
can't seem to figure out how to find that character. 


The Original Snatcher -- Everything you ever wanted to know about Snatcher
on the MSX!

Y no os perdais lo mejor: el tío se llama Jon GATES! ¿Será su primo?

Un saludo,

Jose Angel Morente (msxjam(_en_)crosswinds(_punto_)net)
*MSX DREAMS*       (msxdreams(_en_)hotmail(_punto_)com)

¡Suscríbete a HispaMSX!


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