
Mensaje de Kuniji Ikeda sobre la MSX Denyu Land 2000

2000-08-15 21:37:02
Va, 15 Agosto 2000

  Hola, gente.

Acabo de recibir este e-mail de Ikeda, acerca de las novedades que va a
haber en la MSX Denyu Land 2000.
Como parece que no ha enviado este mensaje a las listas de correo, os lo
envio aqui.

Parece ser que ASCII va  a anunciar un emulador oficial de MSX.

No hay muchos detalles. No dice si el emulador va a ser de las generaciones
ya existentes, o va a contemplar alguna generacion "virtual" posterior.
Tampoco se sabe si el emulador va a ser un antecedente de un nuevo modelo
"real" de MSX, o si todo se va a quedar ahi.

En fin, que los que quieran traducir algun fragmento para que los que no
saben ingles, lo pueden hacer.
Yo de momento, os mando el mensaje tal cual lo he recibido.

                Daniel Zorita.


Ikeda's MSX PRINT  15th August 2000

NEWS  )  Commeing soon the MSX DENYU LAND 2000!

  At 1983, Microsoft advocated world wide 8 bit
 computer "MSX". Many many people still love
 in the word. DENYU LAND 2000 is the most big
 MSX event in Japan. We will introduce many many
 new Japanese MSX stuff.

Name of fair : MSX DENYU LAND 2000
Locate : Hirose Honssya-building 5F, Special stage
         (walk 1 minites from Tokyo Akibahara
Date : 20th August 2000(10:30-18:00)

 Change the time of lecture meeting

 Lecture meeting of Kazuhiko NISHI who co-president
 of ASCII Corporation

 Lecture meeting of Ryouzou YAMASHITA who head of
 ASCII Corporation create section of new media technology

Admission : free

Hold : MSX DENYU LAND organize comittee
Sponsor : ASCII Corp

    MSX DENYU LAND 2000 Official homepage


 - Information of DENYU LAND pre-party "ym2413nite"
 - Middle report of new profecional game "ONE"
 - About official emulator

 - Information of DENYULAND pre-party "ym2413night"
   Night of 20th(00:00-), UP's will hold pre-party
   of MSX DENYU LAND 2000 "ym2413night". ym2413night
   is MSX music concert supported by ASCII Corp. And
   this concert will begin hold on mid-night(00:00-).
   Boy(under 18years old) cannot visit this concert.
   Yes, this concert is adult only.
   You can talk, dance, and sing songs!
   But this is good chance to talk about MSX and drink
   beer! You can make friendship with many MSX users
   visited from all area of Japan!

Locate : Loft plus 1
         Hayashi-building B2, Kabukichou 1-14-7,
         Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo
Date : 20th August 00:00 - 05:00
Admission : 1500Yen(one drink)
Ssponsor : ASCII Corp

WebSite, but Japanese only
ym2413nite official Homepage

Loft plus 1

 - Middle report of "ONE"

  At MSX DENYU LAND 2000, Keiichi Kuroda will show
new profecional game "ONE".
  ONE Windows version is distributed by Tactics
since 1998. Here in Japan, ONE is very popular.
  Now, some people is try makeing ONE MSX Version.
IF they can make this game for MSX, Tactics will
begin make and distribute it. We really hope that
SoftHouse will re-make game for MSX!


ONE MSX version
  Official homepage of ONE MSX version

 - About official emulator

  Ryouzou Yamashita(ASCII Media technical create
section) will announcement of MSX Emulator(ASCII
official version) at lecture meeting. This ASCII
official MSX Emulator will fine work on "intent".

 - Rial-time OS
 - Fine work on many kind of CPU
   - Virtual machine (Virtual processor)
 - High-speed working
     - Direct memory access from native CPU
     - Graphics libraly of high-speed

  MSX Emulator will fine work on "Elate" of

Lecture meeting
Ryouzou Yamashita
"Possibility of Intent will create of PC"

Time : 17:00-


ASCII Elate official homepage

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  • Mensaje de Kuniji Ikeda sobre la MSX Denyu Land 2000, Daniel Zorita <=