
Re: [hispamsx] Shinobi (o WAV a CAS)

2003-12-21 00:15:11
Sorry about the message in English, but I express myself better this way...

At 11:10 PM 20/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Al respecto del asunto del Shinobi....

Pero me gustaría saber COMO hacer un archivo CAS desde una cinta. Hay
algunos emuladores que usan un WAV directamente ( como OpenMSX), pero el
resto tienden a usar CAS como formato de imágen de casete.

There is a problem with the CAS format: tapes that uses some different
loader (not using the BIOS to load the files) cannot be converted to CAS.
And I tried every WAV->CAS converter out there with shinobi and swiv, they
do recognize the files that has headers, but the ones who dont, the
converters just skip them.

En el caso del Shinobi, no ocuparía menos espacio una imágen CAS?

Even a DSK of the cracked game would take less space. But the problem is
how to get the correct data into the DSK or CAS file.

By the way: can someone confirm that those wav files are working? I still
have to build a cable to try them out on my real MSX, but both on MESS and
on OpenMSX I couldnt load them.


MSX Files & Megaram Project ( http://www.msxfiles.tk )

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