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Hello, I would define the character ascii with the SCREEN4 or SCREEN2 and put a color multicolor to it. The example here down, doen't work. How I can do?? Bye Andrea 60 SCREEN 4:CLS:COLOR 15,0,0 70 OPEN"GRP:"AS#1 80 REM DEFINE CHARACTER WALL 90 FOR A=0 TO 7:READ B:VPOKE65*8+A,B:NEXT A 100 DATA 0,251,251,251,0,127,127,127 110 REM COLOR CHARACTER WALL 120 VPOKE 8208,16*8+14 130 PRESET(10,10):PRINT#1,"AAAAAAAAAAAA" 140 GOTO 140 [Se han eliminado los trozos de este mensaje que no contenían texto]
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