How I can to use vpoke (&H1C00-&HD1FF) for to color the sprite byte x byte.
You can send me a example??
My reminds of Basic are very difusse, but I think it shoud be something like
5 restore 1000
10 for i = &h1c00 to &hd1ff
20 read a
30 vpoke i, a
1000 data byte1, byte2,...
Yes, that's it using data.
It's easy to make a file with Vram data copied on it and then load it again on
Vram, so you don't have to redefine anything
I have try to color the sprite multicolor with VPOKE, but it color always 1
color every line or byte!!!!!
Yes, every byte is a sprite line. On a 8x8 sprite, there are 8 color bytes.
That's multicolor sprite. You can have 8 colors on
each single sprite (plus background -zeroes-) Normal color sprite (MSX1) was 1
byte fro ALL the entire sprite. If you want
more than 1 color per line, you must put another sprite at the same coordinates.
Que malo es mi ingles, konio :S
Juan Luis, MsxKun