
TT-VIRUS : First MSXdev'06 entry submitted !

2006-04-20 00:49:02
TT-VIRUS : First MSXdev'06 entry submitted !

Only 2 days after the launching of the MSXdev'06 contest, a first 
entry has been submitted by a new team called "Brain Eaters", and is 
being developed by Dioniso (Alfonso D.C.) (T-Virus, Magical Stones, 
Gniffel, Penguin Race) and WYZ (Stratos, Teki Paki), two well-known 
and experienced spanish MSX games developers.

TT-VIRUS will be a shoot 'em up and seems to be the sequel of another 
classic MSXdev entry : T-VIRUS developed by Dioniso for the MSXdev'04 
contest !


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  • TT-VIRUS : First MSXdev'06 entry submitted !, mars2000you <=