
RE: [hispamsx] MegaRAM 4Mb a 7 MHz

2011-04-05 22:00:18

Hi, Slotman!

Thank you for your answer. It indicates ACVS MegaRAM, so I supose it is one 
from Ademir. The sticker says 256KB but it actually has 512KB, so perhaps 
someone upgraded it before selling it to me. In any case, it's good to know 
that it'll work in any MSX setup not matter the CPU clock.

Thank you very much and kind regards,

Edu R.

To: hispamsx(_en_)yahoogroups(_punto_)com
From: slotman(_en_)icongames(_punto_)com(_punto_)br
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:12:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [hispamsx] MegaRAM 4Mb a 7 MHz

At 10:43 5/4/2011, you wrote:

Hola a todos,

Una pregunta muy rápida, por si alguien conoce la respuesta:

El cartucho megaRAM de 4Mb (512 KB) de Ademir Carchano, ¿es 
compatible con MSX funcionando a 7 MHz? Tengo uno en venta, me lo 
han preguntado y lo cierto es que no tengo ni idea. Creo recordar 
que lo usé en el Turbo-R, pero no estoy seguro si desde MSX-DOS1 (y 
modo Z80) o MSX-DOS2 (y modo R800).

[Sorry for the english message - I can read spanish well, but can't 
write it...]
[Lo siento por el mensaje de Inglés - Soy capaz de leer bien el 
español, pero no puede escribir ...]

Are you sure this MegaRAM is from Ademir? I don't remember he ever 
doing a 4Mb version...

Anyway, I have a very old 256mb MegaRAM - and this one works normally 
both on MSX1,2,2+ and turbo-R, on MSX-DOS, DOS2 or BASIC. So, if it 
is indeed a MegaRAM from Ademir, it should work, with no problems.

The only ones who had problems were MegaRAM-disks - but if you booted 
them with DEL pressed, the "disk part" was disabled and it worked 
fine on turbo-Rs.

Best Regards,

José Lucio "SLotman"
ICON Games - http://www.icongames.com.br 


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