
UZIX 0.1.5 with Stack TCP/IP released

2000-02-09 02:09:05
Hola, mundo!

Este mensaje ha aparecido en la mailing-list de habla inglesa, 
y he supuesto que a más de uno podría llamarle la atención,
especialmente a ACC y a Trunks.

Según esto, y al menos en apariencia, ya es factible conectarse
en modo telnet a Internet .....

      Hi, MSXers.

      For those who believe, for those who don't believe, UZIX 0.1.5
with Stack TCP/IP is released.
      Yes, besides UZIX enhancements itself, UZIX 0.1.5 has a Stack
TCP/IP with three working applications: telnet, finger and ping.
      The stack itself is under development, but this release is full
working (despite some limitations). To connect your MSX to Internet you
need a RS232 interface and a UNIX-box near your MSX. More information can
be obtained at the UZIX page (go to the TCP/IP section).
      Again, bug reports are welcome. 
      The UZIX page URL is:



Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha               
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   
http://www.adrpage.cjb.net          http://if.you.dont.like.msx.usuck.com

* Love -- a serious mental disease. - Plato *

Un saludo,

Jose Angel Morente (msxjam(_en_)crosswinds(_punto_)net)
*MSX DREAMS*       (msxdreams(_en_)hotmail(_punto_)com)

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