
Re: [hispamsx] Moderation? Ideas for the ditto

2002-02-04 23:10:49
Ole! Ole! Y Ole! Si es que eres una machine, aunque
prefiero la versión española.

Ya mismo MSX de barrio con el niño de la programación
de oro Nestorito y sus "12 expansiones tiene mi
tuuuuurbo R, poooor la Ru de las cocheeeeeeraaaas!"

Hale, un poco de humor nunca biene mal. Salu2.

It is said, it spoken, one commented... that is
necessary figure of the<BR>
moderator in this list of more active form. Such
asseveration does not<BR>
lack ecuanimidad, but it suffers from the necessary
perífrasis like for<BR>
inmiscuir itself in prosopopeya. Uséase: to moderate
yes, but, with what<BR>
criterion? is simple task the definition from the
punibles attitudes<BR>
neither of aforesaid sanctions the more sopesadamente
adapted to.<BR>
For example, makes no sense to punish to díscolos
fellow members with<BR>
the typical punishment of to write one hundred times
&quot; I will be an<BR>
authentic user &quot;, by example; the advances of
modern computer science allow<BR>
at the moment to deceive the supposed boredom of this
task by means of a<BR>
capable use of the intrinsic function &quot; copypaste
&quot; to the systems in<BR>
On the contrary, of the type hácese more suitable an
exemplary sanction &quot;<BR>
To write a writing of 34 pages titled ' Why the Option
is ours amigó, or<BR>
' filológico Analysis of dialeco sectarió to choose
&quot;. Of this form, to<BR>
the purely punitive function would add to a formation
of depth pierced in ours community.<BR>
Dejo then opened to the channel of the dialogue to aim
and effect&nbsp; to<BR>
promote the consensuada resolution of the crisis&nbsp;
by which our bienamado<BR>
obsolete system &gt; journeys in these calendas. To
crack it.<BR>
Pos eso... TO CRACK IT!!<BR>

*HispaMSX. La mailing-list de MSX en castellano*<BR>
Para cualquier duda: kaneda(_en_)filnet(_punto_)es</tt>

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