
MP3: ¡por fin alguien que sabe de qué habla!

2000-05-24 20:34:59

Me he encontrado a Ricardo Bittencourt en ICQ, y sobre el MP3, me ha
dicho tal que:

I work professionaly with audio compression
and I have a very good idea of how many processor power
each compression standard require.
a z380 running at clocks near 20 MHz can
uncompress some kinds of mp3 directly, as long as you have
some kind of buffering DAC (like the japanese PCM+)
So on the z380 there's no need to create a new standard.
just stick with the low bitrate versions of mp3 (64kbps and such)

A lo que yo le he dicho: pero si la gente sabia de HispaMSX dice que es
imposible!! Y:

this is not true.
if you have lots of memory to store look up tables,
and code it directly in assembly,
then you CAN play mp3 on the z380.
people says it's not possible by comparing the processor power
required by PC-players,
but PC-players are poorly coded, since they're made in C and not asm.

Llerbonses yo le he dicho: aaaños! Tan amable usted sería que escribir a
la hispaMSX contando esto podría? Y ha:

Can I instead write a message at the end of the year ?
Right now I AM working on a mp3 player for the Z180
as the final project of my graduation in telecommunications
so at the end of the year I can just show the results instead
of talking about things people wouldn't believe anyway :)

Ahí queda eso!!

(Claro, que ahora hay que ver a qué se refiere con eso de "lots of

          Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

    New web address:   http://konamiman.msx.tni.nl  &  http2//nestor.msx
               konamiman(_en_)geocities(_punto_)com         ICQ#: 18281450

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