
Re: [hispamsx] Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS

2004-03-25 15:16:51
yes i know that, but UZIX was wrote in "C" UZIX never will be very fast as
MNBIOS... and don´t forgot... MNBIOS don't use SCREEN 0 and less the
origianl functions of MSXBIOS, because that MNBIOS is capable of writing
multicolored text on SCREEN 5, 6, 7, 8 at faster as SCREEN 0 speed (taking
the basic programming listing SPEED as reference ofcource).

On other hand MNBIOS got almost 350 faster functions (including drivers
functions) and each day got more.

I are doing a shell in assembler... and for my es more simply coding in
assembler because is my natural enviroment... sure if i write in "C" i will
going slow...

If you want coding in "C" please, use it...., i hope some genius write the
studio.h or the "C" libraries for that.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha" 
To: <hispamsx(_en_)yahoogroups(_punto_)com>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [hispamsx] Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS

Sorry for the english: my spanish is crap for long texts like this one.

ejem.... adriano .... no se si te diste cuenta.... pero eso es "C"....


lo del include es buena idea... pero mejor en assembler...no?

No. Assembly is very good, and I like it a lot, but using C you can
create programs faster and even port programs from other
platforms to MSX with UZIX with much less effort. Of course, you
can use assembly in critical parts of code.
UZIX has more than 100 applications, all of them written in C. If
I had to write each of them in assembly, probably UZIX would have
about 10 applications. Try writing a real good shell in assembly
and you'll see how hard this task is.

BTW, I downloaded MNBIOS demo and it seems very promising.



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