
Re: [hispamsx] RE: Presentación.

2005-08-26 11:52:18
Esto tiene buena pinta:

RDY used to tell the FDC that the drive is ready (logic board responding, door 
closed). Now on AT drives (or above), there is an ejection senser 
(Amiga-like, but not identical) that uses this pin. 
The CPC requires a RDY signal, and if you don't have it you will have to add 
extra logic to simulate it cleanly (like in some external Amiga drives), or 
at least put it to 0V (I have reports that this works well !). 
If you are lucky, your drive will have a backward compatibility jumper, that 
will turn back this line to the old RDY function without soldering. 

El Viernes 26 Agosto 2005 09:13, Eduardo escribió:
Por cierto... ¿Sabéis si hay retro-quedadas en

Zaragoza >o alrrededores?

:(  siento decirte que no, Madrid,Barcelona....

Aqui estamos 2 y el de la guitarra


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