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References: [ +from:"Daniel Caetano": 12 ]

Total 12 documents matching your query.

1. Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 06:56:34 +0100
Wow... MSX-DOS with TSRs! Hummm... I think I had already read something about it. Not remove that sentence of the context.. I was talking about a "multitasking" word, for call as multitasking to a OS
/archive/msg16073.html (9,098 bytes)

2. comparaciones... (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 19:44:03 +0100
El MNBIOS está diseñado para aprovechar el mayor potencial posible del hardware de la norma MSX y mediante este marco de hardware compatible preever total expandibilidad para el futuro sin estar at
/archive/msg16002.html (12,125 bytes)

3. Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:04:07 +0100
Hi! 256x192? screen 2 o 4? that is a crap. you will lose much time calculating the pattern byte of a coordinates. Bad desition. Every screen from 1 to 5 and 8 to 12 can be displayed in 256x192, not o
/archive/msg16028.html (9,008 bytes)

4. RE: Ayuda a un novato con Assembler (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:11:01 +0100
O si aún así quieres usar C como contador, usa JR en vez de JP: buc: call scroll dec c jr nz,buc If there is the need for speed, B/djnz is an obvious decision. But it he wants to use the C register
/archive/msg18320.html (6,913 bytes)

5. RE: ¡Otra vez el Shinobi! (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 22:04:39 +0100
Hola! De donde me bajo el juego ??? (shinobi) []'s Daniel Caetano daniel(_en_)caetano(_punto_)eng(_punto_)br - ..."A necessidade de criat
/archive/msg15400.html (7,802 bytes)

6. Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:43:13 +0100
for call a OS "multitask" not need background process. Wow... MSX-DOS with TSRs! Hummm... I think I had already read something about it. []'s Daniel Caetano daniel(_en_)caetano(_punto_)eng(_punto_)br
/archive/msg16030.html (9,182 bytes)

7. comparaciones... (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 06:50:25 +0100
Offcially MSX is dead, and the FANS will to decide what will be the MSX future...I thinks if I put in his hands a easy to program, fast, stable, and nice enviroment... they will adopt that. I really
/archive/msg16071.html (7,606 bytes)

8. duda z88dk+asm (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 19:38:19 +0100
Alguien sabe como mezclar assembler con C en el z88dk I don't know z88dk, but your assembly doesn't do what you expect. main() { a=65; ld hl,40000 ld hl,(_a) ; tambien lo he probado sin parentesis re
/archive/msg18063.html (7,346 bytes)

9. Hello World !!!! para MNBIOS (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 20:04:45 +0100
MNBIOS kernel already is able to switch bettwen 2 or 4 video pages (depending of the screen mode ofcource) and the windowing system is capable to host any windows on any page...that is the kernel....
/archive/msg16004.html (12,126 bytes)

10. RE: ¡Otra vez el Shinobi! (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 00:01:58 +0100
Hi, I can read spanish, but cannot write. Sorry, I hope you can understand my english... El único PERO que le puedo poner, puestos a poner peros, es que para ejecutar un juego Spectrumero requieras
/archive/msg15391.html (11,184 bytes)

11. comparaciones... (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 00:58:37 +0100
I are NOT recreating the same tiny MSX-BIOS because is well-know that got several limitations and slowdowns... Well, this is not an issue. There is the C-BIOS project (the BIOS which is used on OpenM
/archive/msg16027.html (13,353 bytes)

12. MSX Rating (puntuación: 1)
Autor: "Daniel Caetano" <>
Fecha: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 17:22:34 +0100
Hi, First... sorry about the english message. Although my english is terrible, my written spanish is even worse. :P I had announced some time ago on MSX.Org the re-release of the MSX Rating service..
/archive/msg22648.html (8,028 bytes)

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