Daniel Zorita wrote:
Si alguien tiene especial interes en escuchar grabaciones musicales desde el
MSX, sin usar un chip externo ni nada, me pareceria mas natural crear un
formato de audio comprimido especial para MSX, que no requiera tanto calculo
para descomprimir. Luego, con una aplicacion de PC o MSX, se podrian pasar
WAV a este formato.
That's exactly what I did.
I developed a new file format "WVZ" (which stands for
"wave compressed"), and it requires only 50% of the processing power
of a Z80 at 3.57 MHz. My player can even make animations while
uncompressing and playing the WVZ.
There is also a PC application called "wav2wvz" which can
convert standard .WAV file to .WVZ format. If someone is interested
on it, I can make a page explaining the insides of the WVZ format.
I also made a video standard for MSX-1 ("VDZ"). The replayer
for this format is called "Video Player" (VIP) and you can download
it at the same place:
Ricardo Bittencourt http://www.lsi.usp.br/~ricardo
ricardo(_en_)lsi(_punto_)usp(_punto_)br "Ricardo is subtle, but malicious he
is not"
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