
Re: [hispamsx] El futuro del MSX

2003-02-25 00:52:01

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:15:58 -0800 "Julio Marchi" 
<julio(_en_)msxall(_punto_)com> wrote:

1) We know exactly what we are talking about in the Manifest.
2) Don't you agree with the moviment? ok! We will respect that. So, try
to respect the others and let them talk freely... We are not the MSX
voice, so like you. Although, the same right you have to defend your
ideas the others have too. Just respect that.

No se trata de que yo este de acuerdo o no con el manifiesto. Se trata de que 
lo que dices en el no es cierto, por eso no puedo callarme. Si lo que dices en 
el manifiesto fuera verdad yo no diria nada, aunque no estuviera de acuerdo. Al 
contrario que tu, yo si que estoy en contacto con la MSX Association y se lo 
suficiente como para pedirte que tengas paciencia.

This is not about whether I agree with the manifest or not. This is about what 
you say on it is not true, that's why I cannot just shut up and say nothing. If 
it happened to be that what you say on it was true, I wouldn't say anything, 
even if I didn't agree. Unlike you, I'm in contact with the MSX Association and 
I know enough so as to ask for your patience.

we like it (probably not like you). Anyway, let me ask you something:
what will going to happen with "me" if I keep talking? Someone will
gonna sue me? Arreste me? Kill me? :P (your words was so threatful)...
:/ :\

No, no era una amenaza. Nadie va a denunciarte, arrestarte, matarte, ni a hacer 
nada contra ti. A lo que me referia es a que puede ser que los usuarios 
brasilenyos dejen de confiar en ti cuando vean que lo que dices en el 
manifiesto no es verdad.

It wasn't a threat. Nobody's going to sue you, arrest you, kill you or anything 
else. What I wanted to tell you is that probably many brazilian users will stop 
trusting you when it becomes clear that what you say in the manifest is not 


Javi Lavandeira (ag0ny(_en_)ag0ny(_punto_)com) - http://www.ag0ny.com - 

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