Jose Angel Morente wrote:
Veo que siguis dandole al mp3 en el MSX, pues sigo creyendo que va ha ser
muy dificil.
Yo opino que es IMPOSIBLE :)
Did you people ever saw my "Music Station" (MUST)?
It's available for download at:
This software was intended to be a mp3-like player for MSX-1,
however using a different compression system which does not require
high computational costs unavailable on the z80.
You can play up to 1 minute of digitized music with
a 256kb megaram. I didn't add support to memory mapper, however the
source code is included, so anyone interested can implement it.
Another option would be to use a megaram-enabled emulator
such as BrMSX.
Ricardo Bittencourt
ricardo(_en_)lsi(_punto_)usp(_punto_)br "Ricardo is subtle, but malicious he
is not"
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